Net Neutrality
What is Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality has become a hot topic again in 2017. Both sides are fighting hard to either repeal or maintain a legal mandate to prevent ISPs from manipulating your traffic.
These tactics have taken many forms – from mobile operators blocking Google Wallet to promote its own – to another operator slowing down Netflix to promote its own streaming service. There are so many examples of over the past few years.
Yomura Fiber’s Position
We’ve always taken the position that all traffic is equal. We market our products based on their merits even when they compete with other providers products.
Yomura Fiber’s position on net neutrality and privacy is simple:
- Yomura Fiber does not and will not slow down or prioritise traffic from any company or website.
- Yomura Fiber does not and will not block traffic from any website unless directed by a court. At which point that website will be added to our Transparency Report.
- Yomura Fiber does not and will not offer paid fast-lanes to content providers. All traffic is treated equally. Content providers are permitted to peer with Yomura Fiber’s network at any public Internet exchange or with private interconnect without charge.
- Yomura Fiber does not and will not mine your traffic for information on your browsing habits or your activities for sale to third parties.
- Yomura Fiber does not and will not modify the content passing through our network either on the inbound path to you or the outbound path from you.